Adnan Sami new phase(face)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just when it seemed that life had given singer composer Adnan Sami a second chance, what with him being reunited with his son from his first marriage, managing to lose all that weight and getting his first wife back, it all seems to be going wrong for Sami.

The singer composer's wife is believed to have filed a non cognisable complaint with the police for harassment and abuse. He has accused Sami of harassing her, though she has not mentioned any kind of physical violence. It seems that the matter can be traced to her not wanting his parents to stay in their house but in a hotel. Apparently, the singer wanted her to ask her house guest to clear the spare room in their house so that his father, who has just had an operation in Mumbai, could stay with him. That apparently led to an altercation, which ultimately made Sami appear before the cops and explain his position, twice. For now, an uneasy calm prevails with the singer insisting that no one can stop him from bringing his parents home.


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